At Parturient
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Integer Sociosqu
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Aptent Praesent
Rhoncus Urna
Fernando Tormos-Aponte, Wendy Prudencio, Mary Angelica Painter, Brevin Franklin. 2022. “Clientelism and Corruption in the Wake of Disasters” CENTRO Journal 32 (2): 305- 325.Roque, A., Shah, S., Tormos-Aponte, F., & Quintana Torres, E. (2022). Social Capital, Community Health Resilience, and Compounding Hazards in Corcovada, Puerto Rico. Natural Hazards Center Public Health Grant Report Series, 26. Boulder, CO: Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado Boulder.Alireza Inanlouganji, Giulia Pedrielli, T. Agami Reddy, and Fernando Tormos-Aponte. 2022.
"A computational approach for real-time stochastic recovery of electric power networks
during a disaster." Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation
Review Issue 163, 102752. Fernando Tormos-Aponte “The Influence of Marginalized Groups in Global Climate Governance.” Current Opinions in Environmental Sustainability 52C: 125–131, 2021.Fernando Tormos-Aponte, Gustavo García-López, Mary Angelica Painter. 2021. “Energy inequality and clientelism in the wake of disasters: From colorblind to affirmative power restoration.” Energy Policy. Volume 158.